
While Pakistan boasts some of the highest mountains in the world, accommodating professional mountaineering expeditions for decades, only few Pakistanis actually snowboard, ski or even climb. With limited access to mountain equipment and infrastructure, the Pakistani riding and climbing culture is in its infancy. Embark on “A Journey About Sharing” and discover how Zom Connection helps the nascent grassroots mountain communities grow stronger.

The moon rise and Mont Blanc

Views of Chamonix and mont Blanc

I didn’t take those photos live with my camera in hand , A camera is set up shooting timelapse , i chose and clicked on the frames I enjoyed. Edited them. From the comfort of home . I love the results. Believe me , I’d love to shoot for months in the wilderness with an Medium format, Hasselblad 500 cw , 150 mm Carl Zeiss Sonnar lens and a roll of 120 Kodak T-max black and white film but while not as magical it is satisfying .

training on Nusa Penida

Trying to almost fall asleep but not totally on the descent . with

Monsoon edit

It is monsoon in Thailand, while i’ve only seen one rainy day, the ocean isn’t clear , lots of dust particle and dark ocean. So I have to smooth out images with sun in front or else it is snowing. Especially on that kind of shots . So dusty. But i like the smoothed out look on that one .

Fun dive with apnea total

Summer 2022.

Nothing really happened this summer , i worked mostly . 2 Jobs. Nothing happened Except it was the driest hottest summer i experienced in 15 years . The most crowded also. Probably the coldest for the rest of our lives . The mountains didn’t look happy and healthy. The cabane de la fourche fell down. A lot of things fell down . Sweden voted a (literal) Nazi party as leadership. Italy voted a fascist one . Russia. well. Russia. Anyways . the most beautiful thing was also the simplest : The ascension festival at the cabane du cerro. This was organic . Awesome. beautiful people . Cozy atmosphere . And all. As the world is crumbling apart we need more of those things.

Some photos .

The ascension festival at the cabane du cerro was by far the best festival and party I have been to in my 15 years chamoniards existence. I’ve discovered local talents musicians painters speakers crafters chef wine makers I didn’t know  existed. 

A revolution was happening in this little ghostly corner of the valley and most people didn’t know about it .

The caban du cerro is older than us all , built when the bosson glacier was still alive and well . It belongs to the people of chamonix , the mayor and team vote every 6 years? or so whose project manages it . 

The past years local environmental warrior and social cohesion hero Timothé was in charge of it . He transformed this little cabin into a heaven where local artists could show off their work to a crowd eating food produced almost exclusively on site . And let me be clear , in todays complete biosphere disaster lead by rogue capitalism, to transform a piece of rugged forested hills old moraine into a sustainable permaculture garden  able to feed a clientele  enjoying local artistry and culture all of which mentioned in the Gault et Millau guide is nothing less than a revolutionary act . Unfortunately, the  elected right wing politics hate revolution. Unless it brings profits. Lots of it . So this sustainable and financially sound cultural garden of Eden was voted out to be replaced by a  perfect MBA project supposedly super profitable . 

So, The Cerro team decided to make a 5 days festival on their way out with all the people who participated in this adventure patrons and artists .




This was good . 

La culture est l’heritage de la noblesse du monde